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Songkran 2024: The Thailand's Water Festival Extravaganza

Songkran 2024: The Thailand's Water Festival Extravaganza

Table Contents
  • 1. The name of Songkran Festival?
  • 2. When is the Songkran 2024?
  • 3. Three days in Songkran 2024
  • 3. How to celebrate in the Songkran
  • 4. Destination that the Songkran in 2024 is celebrated

Songkran 2024, also known as the Thai New Year, is the most significant festival in Thailand. Lasting up to a week, Songkran marks the end of the dry season with a combination of religious ceremonies and water fights, which are a defining aspect of the celebration.

1. The name of Songkran Festival?

The term "Songkran" originates from the Thai word meaning 'to move' or 'movement.' This festival is determined by the transition of the sun from one zodiac position (Pisces) to another (Aries). Also referred to as the Water Splashing Festival, Songkran is observed as the New Year celebration in Thailand.

Water holds significant symbolism in Buddhism, representing renewal and purification. During Songkran, water is splashed on statues of Buddha for good luck, and younger generations perform the ritual of bathing the hands of the elderly to receive blessings in return. Additionally, streets come alive as people engage in large-scale "water fights," fostering an atmosphere of joy and celebration through mutual splashing.

Songkran also known as the Thai New Year
Songkran also known as the Thai New Year

2. When is the Songkran 2024?

Songkran is celebrated from April 13th to April 15th every year. There is an official opening ceremony on 13th April to mark the start of the Songkran Festival in big cities of Thailand. In many places in Thailand, the holiday extends to 5–10 days or more, allowing ample time for revelry and cultural festivities.

You might be curious about why the Thai New Year is in April. The Thais migrated from southern China into Thailand around 200 BC. Their calendar was lunar, but after migrating southwards they had to adapt to the different temperatures of Central Thailand, and they decided to switch New Year to April, to coincide with the end of the dry season. This strategic timing also aligns with the onset of Songkran 2024 festivities, making it an ideal period to experience the vibrant culture and traditions of Thailand.

The Songkran festival in Thailand
The Songkran festival in Thailand
Experiencing Lifestyle and Culture Around Thailand
Experiencing Lifestyle and Culture Around Thailand
7 days 6 nights
Visiting Thailand in one week might seem an adventure, but having the chance to embark on this trip will be an unforgettable experience. You will discover the ancient ruins of Ayuthaya, the temples in Lopburi, and the archaeological park in Sukhothai (the first capital of Siam). You will then head further to smaller towns such as Lampang and then reach the second largest city in Thailand, the bustling Chiang Mai. Before coming back to Bangkok, you will make a worthy detour to the border with Myanmar and head to the Golden Triangle as well as the fascinating city of Chiang Rai. En route, you will stop in locals’ workshops, learn how making pottery, and witness the lifestyle of local hill-tribes. You will return home, having a more in-depth understanding of Thailand and its culture.

3. Three days in Songkran 2024

The three days of Songkran are a vibrant celebration, offering an immersive cultural experience for travelers on trips to Thailand.

  • April 13th: The first day of the new year, known as Song Nam Phra ('Pouring Water on Monks') Day, features processions of Buddha images across the country. This day sees the largest water fights as part of the festivities.
  • April 14th: Also known as Wan Nao, this day commemorates the old Thai New Year's Eve. It is designated as National Family Day, encouraging everyone to cherish quality time with their loved ones.
  • April 15th: The New Year officially begins on this day, also known as Wan Payawan ('Bathing Buddha') Day. Festivities abound, with lively parties, ongoing water fights, concerts, street food, and various cultural events happening throughout the country.

3. How to celebrate in the Songkran

There are numerous traditional activities to partake in during Songkran Festival, offering a rich cultural experience for travelers visiting Thailand for Songkran 2024. These activities include the renowned water splashing festivities, house and Buddha statue cleaning rituals, temple visits for merit-making, and lively street and beach Songkran parties.

3.1 Water Splashing

Water fights are a highlight of the New Year celebrations, especially during the scorching heat of April in Thailand. Streets are transformed into lively arenas where crowds gather to engage in friendly water battles using pipes, buckets, and water guns. This activity, beloved by younger generations, welcomes foreigners to join in the fun.

Water fights are a highlight of the Thailand New Year celebrations
Water fights are a highlight of the Thailand New Year celebrations

3.2 Cleaning

Similar to Chinese New Year traditions, Thai people engage in thorough cleaning of their homes, schools, temples, offices, and other public spaces to usher in the New Year with a fresh and pristine environment.

3.3 Merit-making

During the festival, many Thai people express their devotion by offering food gifts to monks in temples and honoring their ancestors. In return, the monks impart words of wisdom, fostering a sense of spiritual connection and gratitude among participants.

3.4 Releasing Birds and Fish

A cherished tradition during the festival is the symbolic act of releasing birds and fish back into their natural habitats. Thai people view this practice as a reflection of their Buddhist beliefs, believing that granting freedom to living creatures brings about good fortune.

3.5 Folk Performances and Games

For those embarking on the best Thailand tours during Songkran, folk performances and games offer delightful entertainment. Thai beauty pageant competitions showcase traditional attire, while street parades captivate spectators. Additionally, street food vendors, flag ceremonies, Thai dances, and boat races provide diverse activities for participants to enjoy.

Tourists experience in Songkran 2023
Tourists experience in Songkran 2023

3.6 Building Sand Pagodas

Another meaningful activity is the construction of sand pagodas on temple grounds. Thai individuals bring sand to temples, where it is used to build or repair these symbolic structures. Engaging in temple maintenance and assisting monks during this time is considered a virtuous practice, highlighting the spiritual significance of Songkran festivities.

4. Destination that the Songkran in 2024 is celebrated

Songkran, a cherished Thai tradition, is celebrated across Thailand, with larger festivities held in major cities such as Bangkok and Chiang Mai. While big cities like Bangkok and Chiang Mai host grand celebrations, the northern regions of Thailand typically observe longer festivities compared to the southern parts of the country.

Here are some popular destinations that attract tourists seeking to experience the vibrant festivities of Songkran 2024.

4.1 Songkran in Bangkok

The capital city of Thailand offers a unique and vibrant setting for celebrating Thai New Year. Along Silom, a bustling 5-kilometer-long street in the heart of the city, thousands gather to engage in lively water splashing festivities using various tools, from buckets to water guns.

Opposite the Grand Palace, at Sanam Luang, visitors can witness the ceremonial bathing of a Buddha statue on April 13th, symbolizing good luck. Additionally, locals and tourists alike participate in traditional Songkran customs by offering food to monks at temples, paying respects to Buddha statues, and pouring scented water on them as a gesture of merit-making.

4.2 Songkran in Chiang Mai

Known for hosting the largest Songkran celebrations globally, the charming town of Chiang Mai in northern Thailand offers an unforgettable experience. Water fights envelop the city, particularly near the Ping River and other water bodies, drenching participants from head to toe in festive revelry.

On April 12th, a vibrant parade featuring Buddha images from across the city, accompanied by musicians and locals, adds to the festive atmosphere. Buddhists spend the following days visiting wats (Buddhist monasteries) to pray, offer food to monks, and cleanse Buddha statues with perfumed water in their homes.

As part of tradition, individuals carry sand to monasteries as a symbol of returning sand inadvertently taken throughout the year. This sand is used to construct colorful flag-adorned stupas. On April 15th, people pay homage to their ancestors and elders, concluding the festive period with reverence and respect.

Thai water festival

4.3 Songkran in Pattaya

Pattaya, renowned as Thailand's party city, boasts the longest festival celebrations in the country. Beginning in the morning of April 13th, water splashing "fights" erupt along every beach road in Pattaya. Live music stages and foam machines are strategically positioned to entice crowds to partake in the lively festivities. Mobile stages mounted on moving pick-up trucks traverse the roads, blaring music throughout the day. Both tourists and locals alike revel in the joyous atmosphere of Songkran.

4.4 Songkran in Phuket

Patong Beach area stands out as the premier destination for celebrating the festival in Phuket. Here, tourists and locals come together to engage in spirited water splashing and festive celebrations. Live music performances and traditional Thai dancing add to the vibrant ambiance around Saphan Hin Park in Phuket Town. Along the bustling streets of Bangla Road, numerous pickups are stationed to provide ample water supply for revelers to enjoy during the Songkran festivities.

Exploration along River Kwai and Trek to Erawan Falls
Exploration along River Kwai and Trek to Erawan Falls
4 days 3 nights
Discover the war history in Kanchanaburi, Thailand before diving into the seven-level Erawan Falls. The Thailand-Burma Railways Centre is informative and interactive. Nearby, the Allied War Cemetery contains over 6,000 fallen prisoners of war. Of course, accommodation at the River Kwai Jungle Rafts with its unique floating rooms, are among the many highlights of your stay in this exceptional paradise.

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the vibrant celebrations of Songkran 2024? Experience the joy and excitement of Thai New Year like never before with Adventure Asia! Contact us today to discover tailored tour packages that perfectly capture the essence of Songkran festivities. Let us guide you through the exhilarating water festival and create unforgettable memories in Thailand. Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime - reach out to Adventure Asia now!

Table of contents
  • 1. The name of Songkran Festival?
  • 2. When is the Songkran 2024?
  • 3. Three days in Songkran 2024
  • 3. How to celebrate in the Songkran
  • 4. Destination that the Songkran in 2024 is celebrated
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